Need more information, contact Miami Hills Swim & Tennis Club at (513) 248-4298

Swim and Dive Team Parent Volunteers.


Swim and Dive Meets would not be possible without the great contributions of our parent volunteers. Each family with a swimmer must sign up for a minimum of four sessions. One session is half of the meet. Please note that some jobs are for the entire and count as two sessions. Each dive family must sign up to work two meets.

Sign ups for meet volunteering are now online! After registration, you will receive an invitation from Sign Up Genius with instructions of how to sign up.

Please see the information below for volunteer job descriptions.

If you have questions please contact one of our Swim & Dive Team Board Representatives at

Age Group Parents:
We need to have two parents each for the girls’ and boys’ 8 & Under groups and one parent each for the girls and boys 9-10 age groups. Each age group will receive a sheet from a coach that shows what each swimmer in their group is swimming. After warm-ups on meet day, the age group parent will gather their swimmers and will check their arms for: Event number, Stroke, Heat, and Lane. If the parent’s have not written their events on their arms, the volunteer will do so. The age group parents should make sure that the swimmers in their group are at the Clerk of Course (the benches behind the blocks) for each of their events.  The announcer will let you know what events are coming up and when to report. If there is any problem (a swimmer didn’t show, etc.) or question, please let the appropriate coach know. This job is for the whole meet and counts as two sessions.

At dual meets we need to provide two timers for three lanes for the entire meet. One session is half the meet, so 12 timers are needed at each meet. There will always be a timer and officials’ meeting at the beginning of the meet, listen for the announcement and go to the meeting, even if you are a second half timer. As a timer, you must check that the name of the swimmer matches the sheet you have on the clip board and, if it doesn’t, then change it. At the beginning of the race, start your watch when you see the starter’s light. At the end of the race, stop the watch when the swimmer touches the size, then write both times on the sheet or cards provided on the clipboard. A runner will pick up the sheets from you. You will move to the other side of the pool for 25 m races.

This volunteer goes to the official’s meeting and works with the computer person.  For every heat in every event, the runner gets all the sheets from all the lanes and delivers them to the computer person. You should also collect the judges’ slip from the judge near the starter.

Ribbon Table:
Two people from the home team and one or two people from the visiting team put labels on the backs of the ribbons for the swimmers and divers. The printer will print labels for the ribbons and the volunteers put the stickers on the appropriate ribbons and put them in the Splash Box (the file box with a folder for every swimming and diving family).

Diving Judge:
There are five judges for each dual meet. We provide three for home meets and two for away meets. Each judge gets cards and you score each dive. For home meets you will also use a keypad. There will be an officials’ meeting before the competition. We encourage prospective judges to come and watch and get a sense of the scoring method. If you are interested in becoming a diving judge, please contact us.

E-dive Operator:
Enters the scores into the computer as the announcer reads them and runs each event on the computer.

Master Scorer:
Writes down scores on hard copy as the announcer reads them.

Announcer Dive:
Read the announcer script for each event announcing the diver’s name, dive to be performed and their scores after the dive.